
Here you find a list of my publications. Many of them are available to download as pdfs.

A Research Contributions page offers a substantiative outline of my main areas of research and the work I have conducted in them.

I hope you find this useful.

Single-Authored Books

Bleiker, Roland. 2009. Aesthetics and World Politics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Paperback issue 2012.

Bleiker, Roland. 2005. Divided Korea: Toward a Culture of Reconciliation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Paperback issue 2008. Translated into Korean by Huang Young-ju as 한반도 안보 다시 보기: 화해 의 문화 를 위해서. Pusan University of Foreign Study Press, 2009..

Bleiker, Roland. 2000. Popular Dissent, Human Agency and Global Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bleiker, Roland. 1993. Nonviolent Struggle and the Revolution in East Germany. Cambridge, Mass: Albert Einstein Institution. Translated into German by Ingrid von Heiseler as Gewaltfreier Kampf und die Revolution in Ostdeutschland. Institut für Friedensarbeit und Gewaltfreie Konfliktaustragung 2024).

Edited Books

Bleiker, Roland (ed). 2018. Visual Global Politics. London: Routledge..

Brigg, Morgan and Roland Bleiker (eds). 2011. Mediating Across Difference: Oceanic and Asian Approaches to Conflict Resolution. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Bellamy, Alex J., Roland Bleiker, Sara E. Davis and Richard Devetak (eds). 2008. Security and the War on Terror. London: Routledge.

Chan, Stephen, Peter Mandaville and Roland Bleiker (eds). 2001. The Zen of International Relations: IR Theory from East to West. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Evans-Kent, Bronwyn and Roland Bleiker (eds). 2001. Rethinking Humanitarianism. Brisbane: University of Queensland.

Edited Journal Issues

Bleiker, Roland, David Chapman and David Shim (eds). 2021. Visualising Korea, special issue of Asian Studies Review, 45(3): 374-470.

Bleiker, Roland and Emma Hutchison (eds). 2014. Forum on Emotions and World Politics, International Theory, 6(3): 490-594.

Bleiker, Roland and Morgan Brigg (eds). 2010. Forum on Autoethnography and International Relations, Vol I-II, in Review of International Studies, 36(3): 777-818; 36(4): 1021-1055.

Bleiker, Roland (ed). 2001. Painting Politics, special issue of Social Alternatives, 20(4).

Bleiker, Roland (ed). 2000. Poetic World Politics, special issue of Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance, 25(3): 267-418.

Journal Articles

Hutchison, Emma, Roland Bleiker, Josephine Bourne and Youngju Hoang. 2024. “Decolonising Affect? Emotions and the Politics of Peace,” Cooperation and Conflict, 59(2): 149-70.

Bleiker, Roland. 2023. “Un-Disciplining the International,” Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 49(3): 198-203.

Bleiker, Roland. 2023. “Visualising International Relations: Challenges and Opportunities in an Emerging Research Field,” Journal of Visual Political Communication, 10(1): 17-25.

Bleiker, Roland. 2021. “Seeing Beyond Disciplines: Aesthetic Creativity in International Theory,” Australian Journal of International Affairs, 75(5): 573-590.

Bleiker, Roland, David Chapman and David Shim. 2021. “Visualising Korea: Critical Moments in History, Society and Politics,” introduction to Visualising Korea, special issue of Asian Studies Review, 45(3): 374-380.

Bleiker, Roland. 2019. “Visual Autoethnography and International Security: Insights from the Korean DMZ,” European Journal of International Security, 4: 274-299.

Bleiker, Roland. 2019. “Preface” to Forum on “Exploring the (Multiple) Futures of World Politics Through Popular Culture,Australian Journal of Political Science, 54(4): 505-507.

Bleiker, Roland. 2019. “Writing Visual Global Politics: In Defence of a Pluralist Approach,International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 32(1): 115-123.

Aistrope, Tim and Roland Bleiker. 2018. “Conspiracy and Foreign Policy,” Security Dialogue, 49(3): 165-182.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2017. “Emotions, Discourse and Power in World Politics,International Studies Review, 19(3): 20-28.

Bleiker, Roland. 2017. “In Search of Thinking Space: Reflections on the Aesthetic Turn in International Political Theory,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 45(2): 258-264.

Bleiker, Roland and Sally Butler. 2016. “Radical Dreaming: Indigenous Art and Cultural Diplomacy,” International Political Sociology, 10(1): 56-74.

Chou, Mark, Roland Bleiker and Nilanjana Premaratna. 2016. “Elections as TheatrePS: Political Science & Politics, 49(1): 43-47.

Bleiker, Roland. 2016. “Visuality and Creativity: In Memory of Alex Danchev,” New Perspectives, 24(2): 13-21.

Bleiker, Roland. 2015. “Pluralist Methods for Visual Global Politics,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 43(3): 872-890.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2014. “Theorizing Emotions in World Politics,International Theory, 6(3): 491-514.

Bleiker Roland, David Campbell and Emma Hutchison. 2014. “Visual Cultures of Inhospitality,” in Peace Review, 26(2): 192-200.

Bleiker, Roland, David Campbell, Emma Hutchison and Xzarina Nicholson. 2013. “The Visual Dehumanization of Refugees,” Australian Journal of Political Science, 48(3): 398-416.

Bleiker, Roland. 2012. “The Politics of Illegalised Migration,” Australian Journal of Political Science, 47(2): 311-316.

Chou, Mark and Roland Bleiker. 2010. “Dramatizing War:” New Political Science, 32(4): 561-574.

Bleiker, Roland. 2010. “Comment négocier avec la Corée du Nord ? Question nucléaire et relations intercoréennes,” in Critique Internationale, 49(4): 21-36.

Brigg, Morgan and Roland Bleiker. 2010. “Autoethnographic International Relations: Exploring the Self as a Source of Research,” Review of International Studies, 36(3): 779-798.

Bleiker, Roland and David Hundt. 2010. “Ko Un and the Poetics of Postcolonial Identity,” Global Society: Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations, 24(3): 331-349.

Chou, Mark and Roland Bleiker. 2009. “The Symbiosis of Democracy and Tragedy: Lost Lessons from Ancient Greece,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 37(3): 655-678.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2008. “Emotional Reconciliation: Reconstituting Identity and Community After Trauma,European Journal of Social Theory, 11(3): 385-403.

Bleiker, Roland and Emma Hutchison. 2008. “Fear No More: Emotions and World Politics,” Review of International Studies, 34(1):115-135.

Barnsley, Ingrid and Roland Bleiker. 2008. “Rethinking Self-Determination: From Decolonization to Deterritorialization,” Global Change, Peace and Security, 20(2): 121-136.

Bleiker, Roland. 2008. “The Politics of Change: Why Global Democracy Needs Dissent,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, IX(2): 33-40.

Brigg, Morgan and Roland Bleiker. 2008. “Expanding Ethnographic Insights into Global Politics,” International Political Sociology, 2(1): 89-91.

Bleiker, Roland. 2008. “Traversing Patagonia: New Writings on Postcolonial International Relations,Political Theory, 36(2): 313-322.

Bleiker, Roland and Amy Kay. 2007. “Representing HIV/AIDS in Africa: Pluralist Photography and Local Empowerment,International Studies Quarterly, 51(1): 139-163.

Hundt, David and Roland Bleiker. 2007. “Reconciling Colonial Memories in Korea and Japan,Asian Perspective, 31(1): 61-91.

Bleiker, Roland and Martin Leet. 2006. “From the Sublime to the Subliminal: Fear, Awe and Wonder in International Politics,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 34(3): 713-738.

Bleiker, Roland. 2006. “Art After 9/11,” in Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, special issue on “Art and Politics,” edited by Alex Danchev and R.B.J. Walker, 31(1): 77-99.

Bleiker, Roland. 2004. “Identity, Difference and Dilemmas of Inter-Korean Relations: Insights from Northern Defectors and the German Precedent,” Asian Perspective, 28(2): 35-63.

Bleiker, Roland. 2004. “Alternatives to Peacekeeping in Korea: The Role of Non-State Actors and Face-to-Face Encounters,” International Peacekeeping, 11(1): 1-17.

Bleiker, Roland. 2004. “Art, Emotions and Global Terrorism,” Social Alternatives, 23(2): 48-53.

Bleiker, Roland. 2003. “A Rogue is a Rogue is a Rogue: US Foreign Policy and the Korean Nuclear Crisis,” International Affairs, 79(4): 719-37.

Bleiker, Roland. 2003. “Learning from Art: A Reply to Holden,” Global Society: Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations, 17(4): 415-28.

Bleiker, Roland. 2003. “Aesthetisizing Terrorism: Alternative Approaches to September 11,Australian Journal of Politics and History, 49(3): 430-445.

Bleiker, Roland. 2003. “Discourse and Human Agency,” Contemporary Political Theory, 2(1): 25-47.

Bleiker, Roland. 2003. “Why, then, is it so bright? Towards an Aesthetics of Peace at a Time of War,Review of International Studies, 29: 387-400.

Evans-Kent, Bronwyn and Roland Bleiker. 2003. “Peace Beyond the State? NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” International Peacekeeping, 10(1): 103-119.

Bleiker, Roland. 2002. “Activism After Seattle: Dilemmas of the Anti-Globalisation Movement,” Pacifica Review: Peace, Security and Global Change, 14(3):191-207.

Bleiker, Roland. 2002. “Towards a Culture of Reconciliation in Korea,” Peace Review: A Transnational Quarterly, 14(3): 297-302.

Bleiker, Roland. 2002. “Rawls and Civil Disobedience,” Social Alternatives, 21(2): 37-40.

Bleiker, Roland. 2001. “The Aesthetic Turn in International Political Theory,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, introduction to special issue on “Images and Narratives in World Politics,” 30(3): 509-533.

Bleiker, Roland and Rodd McGibbon. 2001. “Timor-Oriential: Le Combat pour la Paix et pour la Réconciliation,Cultures et Conflits: Sociologie Politique de l'International, 41: 15-46.

Candio, Patrick and Roland Bleiker. 2001. “Peacebuilding in East Timor,” The Pacific Review, 14(1): 63-84.

Bleiker, Roland. 2001. “Identity and Security in Korea,” The Pacific Review, 14(1): 121-148.

Bleiker, Roland. 2001. “Anna Akhmatova's Search for Political Light,” Peace Review: A Transnational Quarterly, 13(2): 181-186.

Bleiker, Roland. 2001. ”Editor's Introduction: The Politics of Visual Art,” in Painting Politics, special issue of Social Alternatives, 20(4): 3-9.

Bleiker, Roland. 2000. “We Don’t Need Another Hero: Women and the Collapse of the Berlin Wall,” International Feminist Journal of Politics, 2(1): 30-57.

Bleiker, Roland. 2000. “Stroll Through the Wall: Everyday Poetics of Cold War Politics,Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance, 25(3): 391-408.

Bleiker, Roland. 2000. “Editor's Introduction,” Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance, special issue on “Poetic World Politics,” 25(3): 269-284.

Bleiker, Roland. 2000. “The Changing Space and Speed of Dissident Politics,” Social Alternatives, 19(1): 9-15.

Bleiker, Roland. 1999. “The Politics and Ethics of Relocated Art,” Australian Journal of International Affairs, 53(3): 311-326.

Bleiker, Roland. 1999. “Pablo Neruda and the Struggle for Political Memory,” Third World Quarterly, 20(6): 1129-1142.

Bleiker, Roland. 1999. “Give it the Shade: Paul Celan and the Politics of Apolitical Poetry,” Political Studies, 47(4): 661-676.

Bleiker, Roland. 1998. “Retracing and Redrawing the Boundaries of Events: Postmodern Interferences with International Theory,Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance, 23(4): 471-497.

Sylvester, Christine and Roland Bleiker. 1997. “Meine Stimme ein Vogellaut: Sprachkritik, Empathie und internationale Geschlechterregime,” Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 38(28): 411-424.

Bleiker, Roland. 1997. “Forget IR Theory,” Alternatives: Social Transformation and Humane Governance, 22(1): 57-86.

Bleiker, Roland, Doug Bond and Myoung-Soo Lee. 1994. “The Role and Dynamics of Nongovernmental Actors in Contemporary Korea,” Korean Studies, 18: 103-122.

Bleiker, Roland. 1993. “Neorealist Claims in Light of Ancient Chinese Philosophy: The Cultural Dimension of International Theory,” Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 22(3): 401-421.

Bleiker, Roland. 1992. “Global Systemic Change, Spatial Mediation and Unification Dynamics in Korea and Germany,” Asian Perspective, 16(2): 43-81.

Book Chapters

Alam, Shahidul and Roland Bleiker. Forthcoming. “Photography: A Conversation between Shahidul Alam and Roland Bleiker,” in Caitlin Hamiltoin and Eliza Garnsey (eds), Creating Justice: Human Rights and Art in Conversation. Rowman and Littlefield.

Bleiker, Roland. Forthcoming. “Imagination and the Korean Crisis,” in Andrew Carr (ed), Strategic Imagination: Essays in Honour of Brendan Sargeant. Canberra: ANU Press.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2024. “Humanitarian Photography: Images of Violence and Suffering as a Path Towards Visualising Peace,” in Tom Albeson and Jolyon Mitchell (eds), Picturing Peace: Photography, Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding, pp. 17-28. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2024. “Emotions, Reconciliation and Peacebuilding,” in Roger Mac Ginty (ed), Routledge Handbook of Peacebuilding. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland and David Shim. 2024. “Can we move Beyond Conflict?” in Maja Zehfuss, Jenny Edkins and Tom Gregory (eds), Global Politics: A New Introduction. London: Routledge, 4th edition..

Campbell, David and Roland Bleiker. 2024. “Poststructuralism,” in Tim Dunne, Steve Smith, Milja Kurki and Katarina Kušić (eds), Theories of International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 6th edition.

Bleiker, Roland. 2023. “Forward: Decolonising Visual Global Politics,” in Anastasia Veneti and Maria Rovisco (eds), Visual Politics in the Global South. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Bleiker, Roland and Emma Hutchison. 2023. “Art and Aesthetics,” in Laura Shepherd and Caitlin Hamilton (eds), Gender Matters in Global Politics: A Feminist Introduction to International Relations, pp. 94-108. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland. 2022. “Preface” in Nele Noesslent (ed), Visualized Narratives: Signs, Symbols and Political Mythology. Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag.

Bleiker, Roland, David Campbell and Emma Hutchison. 2022. “Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Emotions,” in Jenny M. Lewis and Anne Tiernan (eds), Oxford Handbook of Australian Politics, pp 222-36. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2022. “Visuality of Peace and Conflict,” in Oliver P. Richmond and Gëzim Visoka (eds), Oxford Handbook of Peacebuilding, State Building and Peace Formation, pp. 175-189. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2022. “Performing Political Empathy,” in Shirin Ray, Miija Gluhovic, Silvija Jestrovic and Michael Saward (eds), Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance, pp. 595-608. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bleiker, Roland. 2022. “Visuelle Weltpolitik im Zeitalter der Digitalen Kommunikation,” in Axel Heck und Gabi Schlag (eds), Visualität und Weltpolitik. Springer Verlag.

Bleiker, Roland. 2021. “Preface,” in Leonie Holthaus and Jens Steffek (ed), Changing Images of Germany in International Relations. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Bleiker, Roland. 2021. “Forward” to Mona Lilja, Constructive Resistance: Repetition, Emotion and Time, pp ix-xiii. Rowman and Littlefield.

Bleiker, Roland. 2021. “The Visual Legacy of 9/11,” in Brad Evans (ed), “When the Towers Fell,” section in Los Angeles Review of Books, 11 Sept 2021.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2020. “Emotions, Agency and Power in World Politics,” in Simon Koschut (ed), The Power of Emotions in World Politics, pp. 185-196. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland and Emma Hutchison. 2019. “Gender and Violence in News Media and Photography,” in Laura Shepherd (ed), Handbook on Gender and Violence, pp. 231-248. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Bleiker, Roland. 2019. “The Politics of Images: A Pluralist Methodological Framework,” in Erzsebet Strausz, Shine Choi, Anna Selmeczi (eds), Critical Methods for the Study of World Politics, pp. 272-288. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland. 2019. “The Politics of Photography,” in Salvatore Vitale and Lars Willumeit (eds), How to Secure a Country, pp. 267-272. Lars Müller Publishers.

Bleiker, Roland. 2018. “Mapping Visual Global Politics,” in Roland Bleiker (ed), Visual Global Politics, pp. 1-29. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland. 2018. “Aesthetic Turn in International Relations,” in Patrick James (ed), Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bleiker, Roland and Emma Hutchison. 2018. “Methods and Methodologies for the Study of Emotions in World Politics,” in Maéva Clément and Eric Sangar (eds), Researching Emotions in International Relations, pp. 325-342. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Bleiker, Roland. 2018. “Visual Security: Patterns and Prospects,” in Juha A. Vuori and Rune Saugmann Andersen (eds), Visual Security Studies. London: Routledge.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2018. “In Public: Collectivities and Polities,” in Joy Damousi and Jane Davidson (eds.), A Cultural History of Emotions. London: Bloomsbury.

Bleiker, Roland. 2018. “The Politics of Images in International Relations,” in Bruno Vilela (ed), World, Image, World, pp. 64-84. Belo Horizonte: Malagueta Produções.  Translated into Spanish as “A politica das imagens em relações internacionais,” in Mundo, Imagem, Mundo: Caderno de reflexões criticas sobre a fotografia.

Bleiker, Roland. 2017. “Multidisciplinarity,” in Xavier Guillaume and Pinar Bilgin (eds), Routledge Handbook of International Political Sociology, pp. 319-327. London: Routledge.

Butler, Sally and Roland Bleiker. 2016. “Embodied Witnessing: Indigenous Performance Art as Political Dissent,” in Kia Lindroos and Frank Möller (eds), Art as Political Witness, pp. 99-115. New York: Columbia University Press.

Campbell, David and Roland Bleiker. 2016. “Poststructruralism,” in Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki and Steve Smith, International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity, pp. 196-218. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Premaratna, Nilanjana and Roland Bleiker. 2016. “Art and Theatre for Peacebuilding,” in Oliver Richmond, Sandra Pogodda, Jasmin Ramovic (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Disciplinary and Regional Approaches to Peace, pp. 82-94. Palgrave Macmillan.

Bleiker, Roland. 2016. “Understanding the Politics of Photography,” in Bruno Vilela (eds), ia, pp. 108-115. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Circuito. Translated as “Imagem, Méthodo, Texto: Entendendo a Política da Fotografia, in Espaços Compartilhados da Imagem: Caderno de Reflexões críricas sobre a Fotografia.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2015. “Grief and the Transformation of Collective Emotions After War,” in Linda Åhäll and Thomas Gregory (eds), Emotions, Politics and War, pp. 210-222. London: Routledge.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2015. “Art, Aesthetics and Emotionality,” in Laura J. Shepherd (ed), Gender Matters in Global Politics, pp. 349-360. London: Routledge.

Duncombe, Constance and Roland Bleiker. 2015. “Popular Culture and Political Identity,” in Federica Caso and Caitlin Hamilton, Popular Culture and World Politics, special issue e-International Relations, pp 35-44.

Wilson, Erin and Roland Bleiker. 2014. “Performing Political Apologies,” in Erica Resende and Dovile Budryte (eds), Memory and Trauma in International Relations, pp. 42-56. New York: Routledge.

Roland Bleiker. 2014. “Visual Assemblages: From Causality to Conditions of Possibility,” in Michele Acuto and Simon Curtis (eds), Reassembling International Theory, pp. 75-82. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Bleiker, Roland, Emma Hutchison and David Campbell. 2014. “Imaging Catastrophe: The Politics of Representing Humanitarian Crises,” in Michele Acuto (ed), Negotiating Relief: The Politics of Humanitarian Space, pp. 47-60. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2013. “Reconciliation,” in Roger Mac Ginty (ed), Handbook of Peacebuilding, pp. 81-90. London: Routledge.

Chou, Mark and Roland Bleiker. 2013. “Betrayed by Democracy: Verbatim Theater as Prefigurative Politics,” in Nancy Love and Mark Mattern (eds), Doing Democracy: Activist Art and Cultural Politics, pp. 231-255. Albany: SUNY Press.

Leet, Martin and Roland Bleiker. 2013. “Between Consensus and Deconstruction: A Feminist Reading of Dialogue,” in Jude Browne (ed), Dialogue, Politics and Gender, pp. 120-145. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bleiker, Roland. 2013. “Can we move Beyond Conflict?” in Maja Zehfuss and Jenny Edkins (eds), Global Politics: A New Introduction. London: Routledge, 2th edition.

Hutchison Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2012. “Ungendering the Links Between Emotions and Violence,” in Linda Åhall and Laura J Shepherd (eds), Gender, Agency and Political Violence, pp. 151-68. Houndmills: Palgrave

Bleiker, Roland. 2011. “Everyday Struggles for a Hybrid Peace,” in Oliver P. Richmond and Audra Mitchell (eds), Hybrid Forms of Peace: From the ‘Everyday’ to Post-Liberalism, pp. 293-309. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Bleiker Roland and Morgan Brigg. 2011. “Introduction” to Brigg and Bleiker (eds), Mediating Across Difference: Oceanic and Asian Approaches to Conflict Resolution, pp. 1-15. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Brigg, Morgan and Roland Bleiker. 2011. “Post-Colonial Conflict Resolution,” in Brigg and Bleiker (eds), Mediating Across Difference: Oceanic and Asian Approaches to Conflict Resolution, pp. 19-39. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Bleiker, Roland and Hoang Young-Ju. 2011. “Korean Sources of Conflict Resolution,” in Brigg and Bleiker (eds), Mediating Across Difference: Oceanic and Asian Approaches to Conflict Resolution, pp. 248-269. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Premaratna, Nilanjana and Roland Bleiker. 2010. “Art and Peacebuilding: How Theatre Transforms Conflict in Sri Lanka,” in Oliver Richmond (eds), Palgrave Advances in Peacebuilding: Critical Developments and Approaches, pp. 376-391. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Bleiker, Roland. 2010. “Toward a Sustainable Diplomacy in Divided Korea,” in Costas M. Constantinou and James Der Derian (eds), Sustainable Diplomacies and Global Security, pp. 235-255. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Bleiker, Roland and Mark Chou. 2010. “Nietzsche’s Style: On Language, Knowledge and Power in International Relations,” in Cerwyn Moore and Chris Farrands (eds), International Relations Theory and Philosophy, pp. 8-19. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland. 2010. “Postmodern Approaches to Peace,” in Nigel Young (ed), The Oxford International Encyclopaedia of Peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bleiker, Roland. 2008. “Visualising Post-National Democracy,” in Mort Schoolman and David Campbell (eds), The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contemporary Global Condition, pp. 121-142. Durham: Duke University Press.

Bleiker, Roland. 2008. “Art Against Terror,” in Senthil Ram and Ralph Summy (eds), Nonviolence: An Alternative for Defeating Global Terrorism, pp. 169-186. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Bellamy, Alex J. and Roland Bleiker. 2008. “Introduction” in Alex J. Bellamy, Roland Bleiker, Sara E. Davis and Richard Devetak (eds), Security and the War on Terror, pp. 1-6. London: Routledge.

Hutchison, Emma and Roland Bleiker. 2008. “Emotions in the War on Terror,” in Alex J. Bellamy, Roland Bleiker, Sara E. Davis and Richard Devetak (eds), Security and the War on Terror, pp. 57-70. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland. 2007, “Postmodernism,” in Anthony Burke, Richard Devetak and Jim George (eds), An Introduction to International Relations, pp. 86-95. Cambridge University Press.

Bleiker, Roland and Hoang Young-ju. 2007. “On the Use and Abuse of Korea's Past: An Inquiry into History Teaching and Reconciliation,” in Elizabeth A. Cole (ed), Teaching the Violent Past, pp. 249-274. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.

Bleiker, Roland. 2007. “Dealing with a Nuclear North Korea,” in Anthony Burke and Matt McDonald (eds), Critical Security in the Asia-Pacific, pp. 215-30. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Bleiker, Roland and Hoang Young-ju. 2006. “Remembering and Forgetting the Korean War: From Trauma to Reconciliation,” in Duncan S.A. Bell (ed), Memory, Trauma and World Politics, pp. 195-212. New York: Palgrave.

Bleiker, Roland. 2006. “The Contradictions of Hawk Engagement: An Analysis of Washington’s Korea Policy,” in Mark Beeson (ed), Bush in Asia: America’s Evolving Relations with East Asia, pp. 196-212. London: Routledge

Bleiker, Roland. 2005. “Of things we hear but cannot see: Musical explorations of international politics,” in M.I. Franklin (ed), Resounding International Relations, pp. 179-189. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bleiker, Roland. 2005. “Order and Disorder in World Politics,” in Alex J. Bellamy (ed), International Society and its Critics, pp. 179-92. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bleiker, Roland. 2005. “Political Boundaries, Poetic Transgressions,” in Luise Amore (ed), The Global Resistance Reader, pp. 411-22. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland. 2005. “Writing Human Agency,” in Luise Amore (ed), The Global Resistance Reader, pp. 92-8. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland. 2005 “Seattle and the Struggle for a Global Democratic Ethos,” in Catherine Eschle and Bice Maiguashca (eds), Critical Theories, World Politics and the Anti-Globalisation Movement, pp. 195-211. London: Routledge.

Bleiker, Roland. 2005. “Globalizing Political Theory,” in Stephen K. White and J. Donald Moon (eds), What is Political Theory, pp. 124-144. London: Sage.

Bleiker, Roland. 2002. “Living With Rupture: Postmodern Perspectives on International Events,” in D. Jarvis (ed), Post-modernism and its Critics, pp. 15-41. Westport, Conn: Praeger.

Bleiker, Roland. 2002. “Critical Historiography as Democratic Politics” in Essays in Memory of Professor Tsche Chong-kil. Seoul: Kong Dong Son (Korean/English), pp. 488-501.

Bleiker, Roland. 2001. “East-West Stories of War and Peace,” in Stephen Chan, Peter Mandaville and Roland Bleiker (eds), The Zen of International Relations, pp. 177-201. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Bleiker, Roland. 2000. “The End of Modernity?” in Greg Fry and Jacinta O’Hagan (eds), Contending Images of World Politics, pp. 227-241. London: Macmillan.

Bleiker, Roland. 2000. “Globalisation, Identity and Prospects for Peace,” in Kwon Tai-joon and Kim Kong-Sung (eds), World Order and Peace, pp. 3-25. Seoul: UNESCO.

Bleiker, Roland. 1997. “Civil Society,” in R.S. Powers and W.B. Vogele (eds), Protest, Power and Change, pp. 99-101. New York: Garland Publishing.


Visual Violence.” 2022. Interview with Brad Evans in History of Violence Series, Los Angeles Review of Books..

Animal Politics: A Visual Provocation”. 2015. Elizabeth Dauphinee interviews Roland Bleiker, Journal of Narrative Politics, Vol 2, No 1, Sept.

Flüchtlinge werden in australischen Medien gezielt als Bedrohung abgebildet.” 2014. Roland Bleiker Interviewed von Patrick Schreiner, Arbeit, Soziales, Ausgrenzung, 19 Feb.

Quelle politique vis-à-vis de la Corée du Nord?” 2011. Roland Bleiker interviewed by Alain de Nève, Diplomatie: Affaires Stratégiques et Relations Internationales, 49:, pp. 62-66.

Psychological Difficulties of German Unification: Implications for Korea.” 2003. Hans-Joachim Maaz interviewed by Roland Bleiker,” Korea Observer, 34(2): pp. 403-16.

Die Deutsche Einheit als psychologischer Problemfall.” 2003. Hans-Joachim Maaz befragt von Roland Bleiker, Korea Forum, 13(1): pp. 47-51.

Abstracting the Political.” 2001. David Rankin interviewed by Roland Bleiker,” Social Alternatives, 20(4): pp. 16-21.