Visualising Humanitarian Crises Research Team

We are a diverse group of researchers, photographers and policy experts from disciplines as varied as international relations, political science, psychology, photojournalism, Indigenous studies, anthropology, marketing, history and communications.

Chief and Partner Investigators

  • Roland Bleiker

    Lead Chief Investigator | University of Queensland

  • Emma Hutchison

    Deputy-Lead Chief Investigator | University of Queensland

  • David Campbell

    Partner Investigator | VII Foundation and University of Queensland

  • Cassandra Chapman

    Chief Investigator | University of Queensland Business School

  • Bina D'Costa

    Chief Investigator | Australian National University

  • Matthew Hornsey

    Chief Investigator | University of Queensland Business School

  • Sana Nakata

    Chief Investigator | James Cook University

  • Fiona Terry

    Partner Investigator | International Committee of the Red Cross

Research Officers and Doctoral Scholars

  • Bronte Bratton

    Senior Research Officer | University of Queensland

  • Pathiranage Dona Subodha Dilhari

    Doctoral Researcher | University of Queensland

  • Adarsh Badri

    Doctoral Researcher | University of Queensland

  • Oliver Blewett

    Doctoral Researcher | Universities of Exeter and UQ

Affiliated Researches and Photographers

  • Nayanahari Abeynayake

    Affiliated Photographer | Sri Lanka

  • Ro Yassin Abdumonab

    Affiliated Photographer | Bangladesh

  • Antonio Denti

    Affiliated Photographer | Italy

  • Khanh Huyen Duong

    Affiliated Researcher | CARE International Vietnam

  • Justin Makangara

    Affiliated Photographer | DR Congo

  • Nilanjana Premaratna

    Affiliated Researcher | Newcastle University

  • Davide Rodogno

    Affiliated Researcher | Graduate Institute Geneva